Frequenting bars and clubs, are only good if you have the best “game” in the world, are a master of the pick up line and are only looking for a hookup. The reality of the situation is that most men… 99% (not scientific), of all of you aren’t that guy. In fact, the art of a pick up is more about your own ego then it is about really meeting a girl. If you want to meet chicks, you must look elsewhere. The bottom line is, you have to get off your couch and open up your social circle.
#1 Go To Family And Friend’s Events
Your friends and yes, even your family members are the key to meeting new women. Try to go to every party, get together, pot-luck, doesn’t matter! The more you attend events, the more likely you are to meet someone new and interesting. Meeting a girl that knows your family and friends, is a good deal, because she’s already made it into the circle.
#2 Find a New Coffee Shop For Every Day of the Week
A 2008 Northeastern University study found that most people’s daily activities took place in an area that’s little more than 6 miles wide, and 83 percent mostly stayed within a 37-mile radius. And they tended to spend the majority of their time in five or fewer places. The reserachers tracked the movements of 100,000 cellphone users for 6 months and gained that information. Does that sound like you? If so, chances are you won’t meet a new girl anytime soon. You have to broaden your stopping grounds!
#3 Go Shopping
Believe it or not, shopping is a highly social activity. Most women that are engaged in shopping are there for the social aspects of it… that’s what window shopping is all about! Places like Ikea, farmer’s markets, where folks are out for hours at a time perusing the goods, are a great place to meet someone new. In any given day, as many as 10 million people pass through Ikea every week. You do the math!
#4 Do Some Good In the World or For Your Body
Let’s face it, you block off the weekend as your time to go meet women. The problem with doing that is you are isolating your possibilities of meeting someone to just 2 nights per week. What about the other nights? I know you’re a busy guy, but consider becoming involved in activities that bring you out of the house during the week as well. Do some volunteer work or train for a marathon with a group of people. The point is, on weeknights, instead of plopping down in front of your TV, go get active in the community. There are tons of single ladies doing the same!
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